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-1776 Republican Alliance-

Republicans in the 1776 alliance meet in Texas.

*** Information *** *** Pictures ***

-Location Information-


—–Fortress Texas will be the location for the 1776 alliance meeting. Congressional Senators and Representatives will discuss strategy in a closed door meeting. Then give speeches to the public. Symposium focus will be voter fraud, cancel culture, and communist infiltration. Key speakers,- President Trump, / Senators–Ted Cruz, Jim Jordan, Josh Hawley, Matt Gaetz, Ron Johnson, Mo Brooks, Marjorie Greene. Newsmax / radio hosts,- Greg Kelly, Charlie Kirk, and others.—————-

Call for tickets and information 1 800 123 4567

———Location Number 1—- Rally Venue Spectacular , 123 Events street, City, State 12345——
———Location Number 2—- Rally Venue Spectacular , 123 Events street, City, State 12345——
———Fortress Texas——

——Watch on the 123 network or on live videostream.com—–

1776 Congress declares war.
Crossing the Delaware.
Blasting the redcoats.
Current dysfunctional Congress.