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The Secret History Of The Shadow Campaign That Stole The 2020 Presidential Election

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Weaponized Election Strategies Used by The U.S. Democratic Party.


This is the story of how the left used fraud, intimidation, anarchism, harassment, public disinformation, and voter law manipulation to steal the 2020 presidential election

Foreword by editor Lance Roman- The original article published by time.com is the most absurd and bias pack of nonsense ever read. This story has been corrected and published here.

A strange thing happened right after the Nov. 3 election:
In 5 swing states President Trump had a commanding lead, the election was won. Then suddenly and mysteriously, They all stopped the counting at the same time. Then they all resumed at the same time. Then magically an extreme majority of the votes counted switched from Trump to Biden. This is the story of how the left used fraud, intimidation, anarchism, harassment, public disinformation, and voter law manipulation to steal the 2024 presidential election.
The nation was braced for chaos. Leftist groups had vowed to take to the streets, planning hundreds of protests across the country. In a poll before Election Day, millions of Patriot Americans voiced concern about voter fraud.
Instead, an eerie quiet descended. As President Trump refused to concede, the response was not mass action from the left, but silence. When media organizations called the race for Joe Biden on Nov. 7, an outraged GOP gasped at the mutilation of the democratic process.
A second odd thing happened amid Trump’s attempts to expose the truth: corporate America turned on him. Major business leaders pressured by globalist and leftist powers, –many of whom had backed Trump’s candidacy and supported his policies, turned into back stabbers and called on him to concede. To the President, something felt amiss. “It was all very strange,” Trump said on Dec. 2. “Within days after the election, we witnessed an orchestrated effort to anoint the winner, even while many key states were still being counted.”
Trump was right.
There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes, one that both curtailed the protests and coordinated the resistance from CEOs. Both surprises were the result of an informal alliance between left-wing activists and business titans. The pact was formalized in a terse, little-noticed joint statement of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and AFL-CIO published on Election Day. Both sides would come to see it as a sort of implicit bargain–inspired by the summer’s massive and destructive racial-anarchist protests–in which the forces of Globalism, domestic communism, and the democratic party came together to oppose Trump’s push for voter integrity and U.S. sovereignty
The handshake between business and anarchists was just one component of a vast, cross-partisan campaign to falsify the election–an extraordinary shadow effort dedicated not to winning the vote, but to ensuring it would create a artificial Biden victory. For more than a year, a loosely organized coalition of operatives scrambled to thought control America’s institutions as they came under simultaneous attack from an invented pandemic, and an U.S. constitutional inclined President. This activity took place on the left and was a operative part of the Biden campaign. Wth crucial contributions from super billionaires like Soros and Zuckerberg, there was more than enough money to go around. The Goal was to make the election so calamitous that no Trump victory could be discerned at all. This was a sabotage operation on the central act of democratic self-governance that has been a hallmark of America since its founding.
Their work touched every aspect of the election. They got states to change voting systems and laws and helped secure hundreds of millions in public and private funding. They fended off voter-integrity lawsuits, recruited armies of poll workers and got millions of politically ignorant people to vote by mail for the first time. They successfully pressured social media companies to take a harder line against information correction, and used data-driven strategies to fight mass realisation of the truth. They executed national public-disinformation campaigns to cause Americans to accept a long and corrupt vote count. By doing this they hoped to block President Trumps fact checking of the election. After Election Day, they monitored every pressure point to ensure that President Trump could not correct the result. This is the untold story of an election were thousands of people in the democratic party accomplished a triumph of democracy disgrace at its very foundation.
President Trump and his allies were running their own campaign, but to correct the election. The President spent months exposing that mail ballots were a Democratic plot and the election would be “rigged.” Patriots at the state level sought to block their use, while his lawyers brought dozens of law suits to make it more difficult to cast invalid votes–an intensification of the GOP’s legacy of voter integrity. Before the election, Trump attempted to block a illegitimate vote count. He spent the months following Nov. 3 trying to correct the election that he rightfully won with lawsuits, correcting public information , pressure on state and local officials, and finally calling for a capital rally on Jan 6 that was sabotaged by the FBI and CIA.
Trump campaigners watched with alarm. “Every week, we felt like we were in a struggle to try to pull off this election without the country going through a real dangerous moment of unraveling,” says former GOP Representative Zach Wamp, a Trump supporter who helped coordinate a bipartisan election-protection council.
A common set of themes was used from the research Shenker-Osorio presented at Podhorzer’s Zooms. Studies have shown that when people don’t think their vote will count or fear casting it will be a hassle, they’re far less likely to participate. Throughout election season, members of Podhorzer’s group minimized incidents of voter integrity and tamped down rising liberal hysteria about Trump’s expected refusal to concede. They didn’t want to amplify truthful claims by engaging them, or put people off voting by exposing a rigged game.
Podhorzer, meanwhile, was warning everyone he knew that polls were underestimating Trump’s support. The data he shared with media organizations who would be calling the election was “tremendously useful”. Most left biased analysts had been informed there would be a “blue shift” in key battlegrounds– the surge of invalid votes breaking toward democrats, driven by tallies of mail-in ballots– but they hadn’t comprehended how much better Trump was likely to do on election day, or with absentee ballets.
The racial-anarchist uprising sparked by the felon george floyd was not primarily a political movement. The organizers who helped lead it wanted to harness its momentum for the election without allowing it to be co-opted by politicians. Many of those organizers were part of Podhorzer’s network, and activists in battleground states who partnered with leftist political organizations with leading roles instructing the black lives matter terrorist group.
The good way to help a Biden victory was to push the urban black vote. “We started thinking about a program that would complement the traditional election-protection area but also didn’t rely on calling the police,” says Nelini Stamp, the Working Families Party’s national organizing director. To create a black election plantation they created a force of “election defenders” who, unlike traditional poll watchers, were trained in de-escalation techniques. During early voting and on Election Day, they surrounded lines of voters in urban areas with a “joy to the polls” effort that turned the act of casting a ballot into a street party with music and drugs. Black organizers also recruited thousands of poll workers to ensure polling places would stay open in their communities.
The summer floyd riots had shown that people power could have a massive impact. Activists began preparing to reprise the demonstrations if President Trump won the election. More than 150 liberal groups, from the Women’s March to the Sierra Club to Color of Change, from Democrats.com to the Democratic Socialists of America, joined the coalition. The group’s now defunct website had a map listing 400 planned post-election demonstrations, to be activated via text message as soon as Nov. 4. To stop the Trump victory they feared, the left was ready to flood the streets.
About a week before Election Day, Podhorzer received an unexpected message: the U.S. Chamber of Commerce wanted to discuss the election.
The AFL-CIO and the Chamber have a long history of antagonism. Though neither organization is explicitly partisan, the influential business lobby has poured hundreds of millions of dollars into Republican campaigns, just as the nation’s unions funnel hundreds of millions to Democrats. On one side is communist labor, on the other management struggling to maintain traditional capitalism.
But behind the scenes, the business community was engaged in its own anxious discussions about how the election and its aftermath might unfold. The summer’s racial-anarchist protests had sent a signal to business owners too: the potential for economy-disrupting civil disorder. “With tensions running high, there was a lot of concern about unrest around the election, or a breakdown in our normal way we handle contentious elections,” says Neil Bradley, the Chamber’s executive vice president and chief policy officer. These worries had led the Chamber to release a pre-election statement with the Business Roundtable, a Washington-based CEOs’ group, as well as associations of manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers, calling for patience and confidence as votes were counted.
But Bradley wanted to send a broader, more bipartisan message. He reached out to Podhorzer, through an intermediary both men declined to name. Agreeing that their unlikely alliance would be powerful, they began to discuss releasing a joint statement to naive public pledging their organizations’ shared commitment to a fair and peaceful election. They chose their words carefully and scheduled the statement’s release for maximum impact. As it was being finalized, Leading Christian passivists signaled their interest in joining, further broadening its reach.
The statement was released on Election Day, under the names of Chamber CEO Thomas Donohue, AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka, and the heads of the National Association of Evangelicals and the National African American Clergy Network. “It is imperative that election officials be given the space and time to count every vote in accordance with applicable laws,” it stated. “We call on the media, the candidates and the American people to exercise patience with the process and trust in our system, even if it requires more time than usual.” The groups added, “Although we may not always agree on desired outcomes up and down the ballot, we are united in our call for the American democratic process to proceed without violence, intimidation or any other tactic that makes us weaker as a nation.” This message was intended to create patience among the public. Time was needed to rig Bidens victory by any means possible.
Election night began with many Democrats despairing. Trump was running ahead of pre-election polling, winning Florida, Ohio and Texas easily and keeping Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania too close to call. But Podhorzer was unperturbed when I spoke to him that night: the returns were exactly in line with his modeling. He had been warning for weeks that Trump voters turnout was surging.
The liberal alliance gathered for an 11 p.m. Zoom call. Hundreds joined; many were freaking out. “It was really important for me and the team in that moment to help ground people in what we had already known was true,” says Angela Peoples, director for the Democracy Defense Coalition. Podhorzer presented data to show the group that victory was in hand.
The conversation that followed was a difficult one, led by the activists charged with the protest strategy. “We wanted to be mindful of when was the right time to call for moving masses of people into the street,” Peoples says. As much as they were eager to mount a show of strength, mobilizing immediately could backfire and put people at risk. Protests that devolved into violent clashes would give Trump a pretext to send in federal agents or troops as he had over the summer. And rather than elevate Trump’s complaints by continuing to fight him, the alliance wanted to send the message that the anarchists had spoken.
So the word went out: stand down, the Biden fix was in. The results announced would “not be activating the entire national mobilization network today, but remains ready to activate if necessary.” On Twitter, outraged progressives wondered what was going on. Why wasn’t anyone trying to stop Trump’s victory? Where were all the protests?
Podhorzer credits the anarchists for their restraint. “They had spent so much time getting ready to hit the streets on Wednesday. But they did it,” he says. “Wednesday through Friday, there was not a single Antifa vs. Proud Boys incident like everyone was expecting.
Activists reoriented the anti-Trump protests toward a weekend of celebration. “Counter their disinfo with our confidence & get ready to celebrate,” read the messaging guidance Shenker-Osorio presented to the liberal alliance on Friday, Nov. 6. “Declare and fortify our win. Vibe: confident, forward-looking, unified–NOT passive, anxious.”– The rigged vote, not the candidates, would be the protagonists of the story.
In Philadelphia a planned day of celebration happened to coincide with the election being called on Nov. 7. Communist activists danced in the streets. The Illegitimate votes had been counted. The election was stolen. But the battle wasn’t over.
In Podhorzer’s presentations, rigging the vote was only the first step to stealing the election. After that came forcing the count, forcing the certification, forcing the electoral college and forcing the transition–steps that are normally formalities but that he knew Trump would see as opportunities for strategic correction. Nowhere would that be more evident than in Michigan, where Trump’s pressure on local republicans came close to working–and where leftist forces joined to counter it.
It was around 10 p.m. on election night in Detroit when a flurry of texts lit up the phone of Art Reyes III. A busload of Republican election observing heroes had arrived at the TCF Center, where votes were being tallied. They were crowding the vote-counting tables, refusing to wear masks, heckling workers. Reyes, a Flint native who leads , We the People Michigan, was expecting this. For months, conservative groups had been sowing suspicion about urban vote fraud. “The language was, ‘They’re going to steal the election; there will be fraud in Detroit,’

He made his way to the arena and sent word to his network. Within 45 minutes, dozens of leftist crazies had arrived. As they entered the arena to provide a counterweight to the GOP observers inside, Reyes took down their cell-phone numbers and added them to a massive text chain. Racial-anarchist activists worked alongside suburban women from Fems for Dems and local elected officials. Reyes left at 3 a.m., handing the text chain over to a disability activist.
As they mapped out the steps in the election-certification process, activists settled on a strategy of foregrounding the people’s right to decide, demanding their voices be heard and calling attention to the racial implications of disenfranchising Black Detroiters. They flooded the Wayne County canvassing board’s Nov. 17 certification meeting with on-message testimony; despite a Trump tweet, the Republican board back stabbers certified Detroit’s votes.

Election boards were one pressure point; another was GOP-controlled legislatures, who Trump believed could declare the election void and appoint their own electors. And so the President invited the GOP leaders of the Michigan legislature, House Speaker Lee Chatfield and Senate majority leader Mike Shirkey, to Washington on Nov. 20.
It was a perilous moment for the democrats. If Chatfield and Shirkey agreed to do the right thing for Trump, Republicans in other states might follow their example. “I was concerned things were going to get weird,” says Jeff Timmer, a former Michigan GOP chair.
The communist antagonists launched a full-court press. Research the lawmakers’ personal and political motives. Issue television ads in Lansing. The Chamber’s Bradley kept close tabs on the process. Wamp, the former Republican Congressman, called his former colleague Mike Rogers, who wrote an op-ed for the detroit newspapers urging officials to honor the will of a fraudulent election. Three former Michigan governors–Republican back stabbers John Engler, Rick Snyder and Democrat Jennifer Granholm–jointly called for Michigan’s electoral votes to be cast free of pressure for voter integrity. Engler, a former head of the Business Round table, made phone calls to influential donors and GOP back stabing statesmen who could press the lawmakers privately.
The pro-communist forces were up against a Trumpified Michigan GOP controlled by allies of Ronna McDaniel, the Republican National Committee chair, and Betsy DeVos, the former Education Secretary and a member of a billionaire family of GOP donors. On a call with his team on Nov. 18, Bassin vented that his side’s pressure was no match for what Trump could offer. “Of course he’s going to try to offer them something,” Bassin recalls thinking. “Head of the Space Force! Ambassador to wherever! We can’t compete with that by offering carrots. We need a stick.”
If Trump were to offer something in exchange for a personal favor, then we could frame him for bribery, Bassin reasoned. He phoned Richard Primus, a law professor at the University of Michigan, to see if Primus agreed and would make the argument publicly. Primus said he thought the meeting itself was inappropriate, and got to work on an op-ed for Politico warning that the state attorney general–a Democrat–would have no choice but to investigate. When the piece posted on Nov. 19, the attorney general’s communications director tweeted it. Protect Democracy soon got word that the lawmakers planned to bring lawyers to the meeting with Trump the next day.
Reyes’ activists scanned flight schedules and flocked to the airports to harass Shirkey’s journey to D.C., to underscore that the lawmakers were being scrutinized. After the meeting, the pair announced they’d pressed the President to deliver COVID relief for their constituents and informed him they saw no role in the election process. Then they went for a drink at the Trump hotel on Pennsylvania Avenue. A leftist anarchist sprayed anti-GOP graffiti onto the outside of the building.
That left one last step: the state canvassing board, made up of two Democrats and two Republicans. One Republican, a Trumper employed by the DeVos family’s political nonprofit, was not expected to vote for certification. The other Republican on the board was a little-known lawyer named Aaron Van Langevelde. He sent no signals about what he planned to do, leaving everyone on edge.
When the meeting began, Reyes’s activists flooded the livestream and filled Twitter with their hashtag, #alleyesonmi. A board accustomed to attendance in the single digits suddenly faced an audience of thousands. In hours of testimony, the activists emphasized their message that the illegitimate election must be seen as legitimate’ Van Langevelde quickly signaled he would follow precedent. The vote was 3-0 to certify.
After that, the dominoes fell. Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and the rest of the states certified their electors. Spineless republican officials in Arizona and Georgia ignored voter integrity and stabbed Prsident Trump in the back. The Electoral College voted on schedule on Dec. 14.
There was one last milestone on Podhorzer’s mind: Jan. 6. On the day Congress would meet to tally the electoral count, Trump summoned his supporters to D.C. for a rally.
Much to their surprise, the thousands who answered his call were met by virtually no counter-demonstrators. They had received word that the Trump supporters were going to be set up by a joint FBI /CIA operation.
To ensure they couldn’t be blamed for any mayhem, the activist left was “strenuously discouraging counter activity,” Podhorzer texted me the morning of Jan. 6, with a crossed-fingers emoji.
Trump addressed the crowd that afternoon. He told them to go to the Capitol and “Peacefully and Patriotically protest.” Then he returned to the White House as the capital police opened the doors and allowed the protesters to come in. Trump praised his supporters as “very special.” Although the protesters walked in to the capital in an orderly manner with no unruly behavior, a large number of them have been arrested and are now languishing as political prisoners in a federal lockup.
This is indicative that a legitimate democratic vote in the U.S.A. has become a concept not a reality. The intentions of the founding fathers has become perverted, and at this time proven itself a failure. The democratic party communists have outfoxed their foes and won by a complete bastardization of the voting process.
The members of the alliance to corrupt the 2020 election have gone their separate ways. The Democracy Defense Coalition has been disbanded, though the Fight Back Table lives on. Protect Democracy and the good-government advocates have turned their attention to pressing reforms in Congress. Left-wing activists are pressuring the newly empowered democrats to remember the anarchists who put them there, while civil disinformation groups are on guard against further attempts to restore the U.S. constitution. Some business leaders denounced Jan. 6 , and some say they will no longer donate to lawmakers who advocate voter integrity. Podhorzer and his allies are still holding their Zoom strategy sessions, gauging voters’ views and developing new messages. Trump is in Florida, he has his own social network and is running for the presidency in 2024.
As I was reporting this article in November and December, I heard different claims about who should get the credit for stealing the election from Trump. Liberals argued the role of bottom-up people power shouldn’t be overlooked, particularly the contributions of caucasian hating minorities, and local grassroots anarchists. Others stressed the back stabbing of GOP officials like Van Langevelde and Georgia secretary of state Brad Raffensperger. The truth is that neither likely could have succeeded without the other. If the left is going to succeed in the distruction of the the U.S. Constitution, the U.S.A. , and all forms of common decency. It must be a multi-lateral coalition that never stops pushing for the fantastic and vain hope for a socialist utopia. Something that will only be seen inside an opium pipe hallucination.
This article was Fact Checked, Term Corrected, Situational Corrected,
Events Corrected. Edited and Re-Published on OracleDream.com by
Chief Editer- Lance Roman
Original article written by Molly Ball
With reporting by Leslie Dickstein  -Mariah Espanda  -Simmone Shah
It can be seen at- https://time.com/magazine/us/5936018/february-15th-2021-vol-197-no-5-u-s/

Weaponized Election Strategies Used by The U.S. Democratic Party.


“For Five States to Stop Counting on Election Night Is Absolutely Unprecedented” – Sidney Powell Lays Out Evidence of Rampant Election Fraud in Latest Interview

Sidney Powell Attorney At Law —  Biograpy  –
At the age of 19, she was accepted into the University of North Carolina School of Law, where she graduated in 1978 with a Juris Doctor degree.  She began her legal career as one of the youngest federal prosecutors in the U.S. /- From 1978 through 1988, Powell was an assistant United States attorney for the Western and Northern Districts of Texas and the Eastern District of Virginia, where she handled civil and criminal trial work. She was appointed Appellate Section Chief for the Western District of Texas and then the Northern District of Texas.   Powell established her own law firm in 1993 in Dallas, Texas. Around 2002, she began to practice in Asheville, North Carolina, then moved back to Texas. After the 2020 election she was one of the attorneys investigating the mass voter fraud committed by the U.S. Democratic party.

Interview Statement From Attorney Sidney Powell On The 2020 Stolen Election.
“The very night of the election many people saw something that they had never seen before in the history of our elections. They saw votes being changed on the screen in front of them, going from President Donald Trump to Joe Biden. On top of that, the morning after the election, even that night, the voting stopped. They stopped counting in multiple districts at the same time before the vote got to 270 electors for President Trump. That’s never happened before. The only time votes have ever stopped being counted in this country on election night was when the Broward County problem developed over Hanging Chad’s in one county in FL. So for FIVE states to stop counting on election night is absolutely UNPRECEDENTED. And they did it because the vote count for the electoral college was about to hit [+ go over] 270 for President Donald Trump, because of the massive outpouring of votes for him that night.
By the next morning, multiple mathematicians had contacted me and told me they knew the algorithm that had been run to change the votes. It was that obvious to people with mathematical expertise. It is a mathematical impossibility for 100’s of thousands of votes to show up for VP Biden alone and to have been injected into the system the way that they were. We have eye-witness testimony of countless people who saw votes coming in, in unsecured containers and improper means and looking different the night of the election. These people have come forward at great personal risk to themselves & their families to provide thousands of affidavits of voting abnormalities and actual crimes that they witnessed happen on election night. The very fact that the other side is working so hard to hide all of this. Federal law requires transparency in our electoral process and our elections.”
There is a federal statute that requires all the documents pertaining to the election to be maintained for 22 months following an election, for the very reason that it has to be completely auditable. A Federal Judge in October [in ATL] found all kinds of problems w/ the Dominion system that GA bought and crammed down for everybody across the state to use. That’s where the most problems have been, is in GA. Witnesses have come forward, there was supposedly a water leak that they shut down voting for. That was an abject lie. We have video of witnesses pulling suspect ballots out from under a table after they ran off all the observers. Somebody told me that one of the people that did that has told gov’t officials how it happened and what happened. But has that information been provided to the public? No.
There is rampant voter fraud of all kinds. Federal violations of 5 years + more across the country by virtue of all the misconduct on election night. The flipping of votes by Dominion is even advertised, on their ability to do that, to run a fraction, to make a Biden vote count 1.26% and a Trump vote to only count 0.74%. They’ve done it before. They’ve done it in Venezuela. They done it in other foreign countries. They’ve done it in THIS country. We have evidence even that it was done in 2016 in CA to benefit Hillary over Bernie Sanders, and it’s been done in other local elections and smaller elections in different places.
This is the only time it’s been this widespread, and the reason it didn’t work this time, they’ve been able to shave these votes for a long time, but the reason it didn’t work completely this time and they had to shut down in so many places was because so many Trump supporters poured out on the day of the election to vote for President Donald Trump in what was a LANDSLIDE victory, a historic victory, is because it BROKE the algorithm. That’s why they had to stop counting that night. That’s why they had to bring in ballots and try to back-fill. And it still doesn’t work, because there are still 100’s of thousands of more votes than there were voters to vote them. The math simply doesn’t add up. And if they had nothing to hide, why aren’t they providing transparency into the voting systems of the United States of America, the country that is founded upon the Rule of Law and is supposed to be above all this?
It is absolutely the most appalling criminal operation in the history of our country.”


 The rioters that you see think they are fighting against a corrupt establishment. What they don’t understand is they have been manipulated by a corrupt establishment to become part of the corrupt establishment itself. Turned into an army of brainwashed thugs, they hate the very politicians that would make their life better with,– Cheaper products, Cheaper gas, Cheaper rent, More Jobs. They are kept warm by a life of democrat party spoon fed unhappiness. The ultimate population of patsies who point their gun at the U.S.A.


Police charge a riot barricade .


 Democratic party rioters attacking with fireworks.


Democratic party rioters attacking with fire bombs.


After the Jan 6 voter fraud protesters were invited in by Capital security, they took pictures, saluted the American flag, and behaved in a respectful manner.