\\\-[ BIO TECH ]-HISTORY-///

A common flu virus was used to create an unnecessary pandemic.


Weaponized Pandemic Steals Election.


Covid 19 is just another variation of a virus that has been around for thousands of years.

Covid 19 is common flu virus that is hard on the elderly. It was used to frighten U.S. citizens so the changing of voter laws would be accepted. By changing the voter laws into unconstitutional forms, the democratic party gave themselves a tremendous advantage when combined with other forms of voter fraud.
Anyone that is reading this has heard about covid 19 being called a hoax. That isn’t believable because everyone knows people did get sick. Without a lot of complicated science and numbers this picture tutorial will outline in a easy to understand way, how a common flu virus was used to create a pandemic. The virus was real, the pandemic was a deception.
The writer of this article was completely shocked by how many people in the U.S. , and around the world were tricked into believing something that was complete nonsence.
This quick educational outline is for all people 10 to 100 years old who are not a super brain, and who want, or should understand what happened.  Because what happened was a horrific act of evil. An act of evil that in one form or the other, can, and will, happen again, and again, and again.
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Weaponized Pandemic Steals Election.


Every year millions of people get a Cold or the Flu, so much so that in the winter months it has been dubbed the Cold and Flu season. A “Cold” is in actuality a less severe form of the same sickness that is “the Flu”. Colds and the Flu are caused by the same virus that is currently jumping from person to person. When an individual has mild symptoms it will called a “Cold”. When they have severe symptoms it will be called ”the Flu”. This is because some people are better at fighting off the virus than others.


The two main viruses that cause Colds and Flu are the ”influenza virus” and the ”Corona virus” A virus is a tiny little creature that can’t be seen. It survives by getting inside of people to multiply. The reason you feel sick is because this ”thing” is inside of you causing problems. The ”influenza virus” and the ”Corona virus” have been around for thousands of years. They have been around for as long as there has been people to use as a host.

These two viruses are constantly mutating. [ That means this little creature is changing itself all the time. It does this to survive, because if it didn’t , people would become immune and the virus would die off.

The Covid 19 virus that was used to invent the pandemic did not just appear out of nowhere. It was the current mutation of the Corona virus at the year 2019.

Other forms of the corona virus have been identified.
229E (alpha coronavirus), NL63 (alpha coronavirus), OC43 (beta coronavirus) and HKU1 (beta coronavirus)..

Because Influenza and corona virus are always mutating, every mutation, or “variant” is not identified and given a name.


As you can see from these symptom charts the effect of these two viruses is basically the same. [ Runny nose, sore throat, aches and pains, coughing and so on.] People that have unusually bad symptoms from these two viruses are the very old,– people with some other life threatening disease, or they have a very weak immune system.


To fight off viral infections your body creates antibodies also called ”immunoglobulin” these travel around in the blood stream looking for anything that should not be there. Antibodies are a protective protein produced by the immune system in response to the presence of a foreign substance, called an “antigen”. They attach themselves to the a virus so it can’t increase its numbers inside of your body, and eventually kill you.


Because of how quickly the influenza and Corona virus mutate they can not be immunized by vaccination, like for example [ Polio or smallpox ] which can be immunized.

Traditional vaccines that use a weak version of the virus to developed immunity do not work because of mutation.

The new mRNA vaccines, trigger a general supercharged immune response in your body, this could help with the current mutation of a virus, but not the next one.

President Trump responding to the call for a vaccine fast tracked mRNA vaccine development . He understood however that a vaccine would not work in the way U.S. citizens were being lead to believe by the media. He then began to promote the use of anti-viral therapeutic drugs which are far more effective. But they were suppressed so the pandemic deception would continue up to the 2020 election and after.

Masks do not stop a virus infection, —  a virus is so small that it travels right through the mask..


The majority of fatalities, ”85%” caused by Covid 19 were the very old with other life threatening conditions. That is the case every year with people dying from complications of the Flu. On top of that, the number of Corona 19 fatalities was greatly exaggerated, if the virus was found in the patient, hospitals were pressured into identifying unrelated deaths as Covid 19.

At one point, at the request of Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York, President Trump sent truckloads of respirators and a military hospital ship. They were not used because there was no pandemic ! President Trump soon became wise to what was happening and tried to get the country to cancel the emergency and open up. Unfortunately, many states were either taken in by the deception, or they were a part of its creation.


Every year between 100 and 150 thousand people die because of the severe effects of influenza and corona Flu. — Most of them people over 70 with complications caused by other diseases like diabetes or heart disease. –Then the numbers were increased by manipulating the diagnosis.

The Vast Majority OF People Do Not Know This, And That Is The Basis For The Operation To Fraud A Pandemic.



To invent the pandemic, — the current corona virus mutation was identified, given a scary name, the people that die from Flu complications every year were promoted. —–Then the whole thing was pushed out of the media to create a panic. Since the democratic party controls most all of the mainstream media, what they did was the same as walking into a crowded building a yelling ” FIRE ”. They started a panic and kept it going in order to, pressure and force businesses, corporations, local and state government into pandemic compliance. Local businesses, schools, and churches were closed, masks and all of the rest of the lockdown nonsense.—-
But the real goal, the real reason for all this was to, [ Change The Voter Laws Across The Entire U.S. For The 2020 Election. ] The Pandemic State Of Emergency Enabled This Without The Legal Procedures Necessary To Change Voting Laws Locked Into Place By The States.
This gave the democrats a tremendous election advantage because of voter manipulation, and the fraud that could now take place.


OK then what is a real pandemic ?   In a real emergency that justifies the locking down of a society, the disease would kill all people at any age and state of health. You would see people young and old dropping dead on the streets. You would see and hear ambulances 24 hours of the day racing here and there. A large amount of your family would be dead.

From beginning to end this did not happen. The covid 19 pandemic was a gigantic T.V. , Radio, Newspaper, Internet, fabrication. Created by minions blindly doing what they are told because if they didn’t —- they would lose their job, or be arrested. The big power brokers in the democratic party, the corporations and in government that started the whole thing belong in prison. Actually, prison is to good for them.



Oh come on !  What has been outlined here is far fetched.  The democrat party, corporations, the government, and all the rest conspired to fraud a pandemic in order to get rid of a president ?  You expect me to believe this ?


Well, yes and no – here on OracleDream.com, you are free to believe the truth. Unfortunately, out in society 2+2=5 .


OracleDream.com is aware of the medical information and statistics that were left out of this article. The full body of this subject is beyond the scope of this tutorial.