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-Patriot Fair-

Fun for all ages at the Freedom Fair.

*** Information *** *** Pictures ***

-Fair Locations / Information-


_____Fun cascades like a waterfall at the patriot fair. A great time for all people everywhere. Go on the rides, play the games, look at the animal exibits. Contests, pony rides, concerts, racing,- its all at the the patriot fair. Be with real people not the hollywood cesspool. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness._____

Call for tickets and information 1 800 123 4567

———Location Number 1—- Venue Spectacular , 123 Events street, City, State 12345——
———Location Number 2—- Venue Spectacular , 123 Events street, City, State 12345——
———Location Number 3—- Venue Spectacular , 123 Events street, City, State 12345——
———Location Number 4—- Venue Spectacular , 123 Events street, City, State 12345——
———Location Number 5—- Venue Spectacular , 123 Events street, City, State 12345——
———Location Number 6—- Venue Spectacular , 123 Events street, City, State 12345——
———Location Number 7—- Venue Spectacular , 123 Events street, City, State 12345——

——Watch on the 123 network or on live videostream.com—–

Fair arcade.
Games and food.
Best horse team.
Swing ride !
Girl wins best cow.